
It is recommended to use this package with the Anaconda Distribution.

pyTFM can be installed in several ways. The most straight forward way is to download the package from github, unzip the files, open a terminal and navigate into the “pyTFM-master”. Depending on how you unzip there you might need to go to “pyTFM-master/pyTFM-master”. In this folder you should see a file called “”. Next, install the package with pip:

pip install -e .

Pip is included in the Anaconda Distribution and should be available as a command line program out of the box. The -e setting will enable you to edit package files, and the “.” signifes that the “” file is located in the folder that you are currently in.

You can also download and install the package in one step using the command line program “git”. If you use the Anaconda Distribution, “git” can be installed with the command

conda install git

Now you can install pyTFM directly with the command

pip install git+

This will download the script file into your Anaconda subdirectory, for example to “anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyTFM” This package includes an addon for the image display and annotation tool clickpoints. Clickpoints is installed automatically if you follow the steps outline below. However, if you want to access clickpoints via the “open with” program option for image files, you have to use the command:

clickpoints register

in the terminal.


Execute the command “clickpoints register” from the terminal to add clickpoints to the “open width” menu for image files. You can find detailed information for the usage of clickpoints here.


The following packages will be installed automatically if necessary: numpy, cython, scipy , scikit-image, matplotlib, tqdm, solidspy, clickpoints with a version higher then 1.9.0, OpenPIV version 0.20.8. Note that Clickpoints versions below 1.9.0 will fail to identify the pyTFM addon. Also note that OpenPIV is still in developement, meaning that more recent versions of OpenPIV might not be compatible with pyTFM. Currently, if you are on windows, openpiv is installed from a compiled .whl file included in the pyTFM packge. If you want to install openpiv on your own you are likely to need the Microsoft Visual C++ build tools.